Based on the reactions to the Al Mohler story in Christianity Today, Carl Trueman makes a strong argument against the existence of evangelicalism as a movement in any meaningful sense. This is a much abbreviated version of the same assertion D.G. Hart made a few years...
A few weeks, Al Mohler, the President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY posted an essay on his blog about yoga. Like most things Mohler writes, this article was a well-argued critique based on careful research, sound logic and biblical...
We live in a culture where everyone has their say, where I can press the interactive buttons and register my view on television, where I can set up a blog and proclaim my views on anything and everything to the world, where the most friendly thing we can say in...
There is one important distinction between the metaphor of father and that of shepherd. Children grow up and become less dependent on their earthly father, though the relationship continues. Sheep, on the other hand, are always completely dependent on their shepherd....
It is a fact that falsehood is never so false as when it is very nearly true. It is when the stab comes near the nerve of truth, that the Christian conscience cries out in pain. G. K. Chesterton Chesterton lived a few decades before neo-orthodoxy (N-O) hit its stride...