Maybe Evangelicalism (and Fundamentalism) Doesn’t Really Exist Anymore

Written by Mark Farnham

On October 11, 2010

Based on the reactions to the Al Mohler story in Christianity Today, Carl Trueman makes a strong argument against the existence of evangelicalism as a movement in any meaningful sense. This is a much abbreviated version of the same assertion D.G. Hart made a few years ago in his book, Deconstructing Evangelicalism. Both believe that the term “evangelicalism” has become so anemic that it cannot stand on his own.

Trueman’s point is something to consider, not only for evangelicalism, but also for other “movements,” such as fundamentalism. Think about it.

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  1. Richard L. Lindberg

    I think Carl’s comments about evangelicalism are probably true. When I first began reading evangelical publications (CT, His, Eternity) in the 1960s and 1970s, evangelicalism meant something. InterVarsity Press and CT were publishing books and articles rooted in Scripture and traditional Protestant, more or less Reformed, theology. Now, however, I think both have moved to the left and are less historically evangelical than they were then. As for fundamentalism, I haven’t hung around with them since the mid-80s, though I understand that Pensacola and BJU argue over who is more fundamentalist. There are questions about the GARBC and its commitment to fundamentalism. You probably know that better than I do.

  2. Jared Stevenson

    Here in France, the term “évangélique” has become so broad and vague, that many conservatives either shy away from the term or else work hard trying to clarify its true meaning. Its rather frustrating and I find even disappointing that good terms (even ones rooted in a biblical idea – “gospel/good news”) are so often distorted and poorly represented forcing us to constantly re-explain what they actually mean.


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