Video Teaching Series


  • Unlimited access to stream each video lesson (please email us before purchase if streaming is not an option for your group)
  • Printable PDF Study Guide
  • Sample of Every Believer Confident (the first three chapters)


Through 13 video lessons and corresponding PDF study guides, Every Believer Confident aims to help ordinary Christians confidently share their faith with unbelievers.

Each video follows and supports the chapter content in Dr. Farnham’s book Every Believer Confident, which you can purchase in print or Kindle. Along with the study guide, we’ve included the book’s first three chapters as a bonus PDF.

The PDF study guide provides supporting questions to aid comprehension, discussion, and further study. It comes with the video series as a printable PDF. You can reproduce it as many times as necessary for your group.

Use this video teaching series for personal enrichment, small group study, church Sunday school, or discipleship classes.


  1. Introduction (18:17) [Sample this lesson free]
  2. The Biblical Warrant for Apologetics (14:24)
  3. The Power of Apologetics (12:39)
  4. Understanding Unbelievers (16:05)
  5. Pulling Down Strongholds (10:20)
  6. Getting Them to Jesus (13:37)
  7. How to Share the Gospel Effectively (10:41)
  8. Effective Strategies for Apologetic Encounters (15:12)
  9. Logic and Logical Fallacies (18:03)
  10. Review (15:37)
  11. The Doctrine of Scripture (15:58)
  12. The Doctrine of God (18:07)
  13. The Doctrine of Man & Sin (13:18)


Discover books by Dr. Mark Farnham, offering practical guidance for equipping believers to confidently defend their faith and engage in meaningful conversations with unbelievers.

Explore his published works, available for purchase on Amazon and Kindle.