The Heart of the Matter in Engaging Unbelievers

Written by Mark Farnham

On January 31, 2024

When defending the faith against unbelievers, we want to strike at the heart of the unbelieving system of thought. We want to identify the main source of weakness in the unbeliever’s worldview and focus our offensive apologetic on that main point. For example, when talking with a Jehovah’s Witness, don’t get distracted talking about the impending armageddon or obscure teaching of the Watchtower, but go for the vital points of disagreement and error in the Jehovah’s Witness’ worldview such as the deity of Christ, the nature of who God is, and the nature of salvation. In this specific instance, the issue of the deity of Christ is the main organ or heart we want to attack, if we can demonstrate that Jesus is indeed Yahweh, God in the flesh, the second person of the Trinity, very God of very God, of one substance with the Father, then the argument is over. We have gone for the heart and have thus rendered our apologetic opponent incapable of mounting a defense. 

The same is true for any unbelieving system, we want to identify the central ideas or beliefs that comprise their worldview and begin to dismantle them. This is most effectively done by asking well-thought-out and pointed questions, designed to show the foolishness and incoherence of the unbeliever’s worldview. Don’t get caught off track with endless rabbit trails the unbeliever might want to take you down, once you locate the central heart of their system, focus your efforts on it until it crumbles. Remember, get to the heart of the matter.

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