by Mark Farnham | Jul 19, 2022 | Apologetics, Atheism/Skepticism
“For what are we, my brother? We are a phantom flare of grieved desire, the ghostling and phosphoric flicker of immortal time, a brevity of days haunted by the eternity of the earth. We are an unspeakable utterance, an insatiable hunger, an unquenchable thirst;...
by Mark Farnham | May 3, 2022 | Uncategorized
In the Netflix documentary, Reversing Roe, at around the 28:00 mark, Sarah Weddington, the attorney who argued Roe v. Wade before the Supreme Court in 1973, recounts that during the case a justice asked her when she believed a human life begins. She responded,...
by Mark Farnham | Mar 12, 2022 | Deconstruction
We all find it difficult to maintain hope when hope has been dashed. For many people walking away from the faith, God didn’t come through when they felt they needed him most. For some, it was the constant efforts to conceive a baby for years upon years that...
by Mark Farnham | Feb 25, 2022 | Deconstruction
No one likes to be intimidated or pressured. I remember standing in the middle of a circle of men in a warehouse with two of my classmates from Bible college one summer day in 1986. The men had discovered that we were Christians preparing for gospel ministry (or to be...
by Mark Farnham | Feb 18, 2022 | Deconstruction
The third reason I have seen Christians deconstruct is that they have absorbed and adopted naturalistic approaches to the Bible. I use the term “humanistic” in the title, because all the descriptors that can be used for this error—naturalistic, atheistic, critical,...