[This is the last of a four-part series on doing justice and the gospel. See parts 1-3 for context here and here and here.]
Application of Justice and Injustice
- It is unjust to allow some people to break a just law because of their status, whether politicians or immigrants, celebrities, juveniles, or disgruntled citizens.
- It is unjust to withhold information or tell only part of a story to manipulate the public, as the media often does, or to escape just punishment as public figures often do.
- It is unjust to circumvent due process or the rule of law because we are outraged at a wrong.
- It is unjust to convict an innocent person because we want someone to pay for wrongdoing.
- It is unjust to forcibly take taxpayers’ $ for immoral purposes such as abortion, abortifacients, and sexually immoral causes.
- It is unjust to include sexual perversion as a human rights issue alongside genuine human rights issues such as racism, persecution, genocide, FGM, human trafficking, etc.
- It is unjust to bind the hands of law enforcement and then complain that they don’t do enough.
- It is unjust to ask law enforcement to risk their lives, witness unspeakable horrors on a regular basis, deal with the most wicked, evil, dangerous people, endure constant harassment, hatred, and scrutiny, and then provide them with little mental health counseling and minimal pay, all the while expecting them to always make the right decision in split-second, life-or-death situations that will be scrutinized by millions within seconds of the event.
- It is unjust to not hold law enforcement to a high standard of integrity, behavior and speech regarding treatment of those they encounter.
- It is unjust to judge all cases of police discharging their weapons as police brutality before all the facts have been revealed.
- It is unjust to tolerate corruption in our police, or attorneys, or politicians and to fail to prosecute them when they break the law.
- It is unjust for men to sexually harass women, to pressure them, to make comments about their bodies, to touch them in an unwanted way, to use sexual innuendos, to intimidate them, or intentionally make them feel unsafe, vulnerable, belittled, demeaned, or objectified.
- It is unjust for women to do any of the same to men.
- It is unjust to place artificial standards on a woman who has experienced sexual abuse before she is believed, such as “she should have reported it right away,” she should have stopped it somehow, she should remember all the details of this traumatic event in which she thought she would die, etc.
- It is unjust to allow our inclination to believe those who report abuse to drift into automatic conviction of the accused on the spot without due process.
- It is unjust for us to see injustice and fail to speak up about it. God calls us to courage and a prophetic voice in this world.
All this goes to show that JUSTICE IS DIFFICULT AND COMPLEX, because we are not God, who knows all things and who judges impartially. We should continue to pray and advocate for justice whenever we hear of injustices.