The god of Diversity

In the beginning was Diversity. And the Diversity was with God, and the Diversity was God. Without Diversity was nothing made that was made. And it came to pass that nasty old ‘orthodox’ people narrowed down diversity and finally squeezed it out,...

Why do we let our daughters dress like that?

This kind of post always arouses the worst ire of those who think I am being ridiculous or legalistic, but when a Jewish mom from NYC asks the question in the Wall Street Journal, maybe we ought to take a few minutes to ponder the question of “Why do we let our...

The Pastor as Theologian, 1: The Crisis

Preaching has fallen on hard times. I don’t mean in liberal churches. I mean in conservative, Bible-believing churches. With godly pastors. Who have seminary education. Who have simply stopped studying. Because it’s easier to coast. This trend is not...

A Christmas Poem

In this smelly place he lay, Smelly like the swine, Smelly like the rotting hay, Like your sin, and mine. Do you see how low he lay? Do you see how low? There is lower yet to go. Lower yet to go. He is lying where they eat, Lying where the swine— Lying like a piece of...