A Worship Book that Will Edify and Instruct

In the last few years, books on worship seem to be either so practical as to be thin on their biblical and theological development, or conversely so abstract and philosophical that they are of little value to the church. Daniel Block’s newest book, For the Glory of...

Tullian Tchividjian’s  book, One Way Love, decries the tendency in our churches to focus on changing behavior. Some make the distinction between the indicatives and imperatives of Scripture. The indicatives are statements of fact regarding what God has done for...

We Are Set On “Self-Destruct”

A prophetic quote from the late Malcolm Muggeridge: . . . it has become abundantly clear in the second half of the twentieth century that Western Man has decided to abolish himself. Having wearied of the struggle to be himself, he has created his own boredom out of...
Recent Books on Theology

Recent Books on Theology

From Heaven He Came and Sought Her The doctrine of definite atonement (popularly known as limited or particular atonement) is one that evokes strong reactions in many Christians. John Wesley called it horrible blasphemy that presented Christ as “an hypocrite, a...