by Mark Farnham | Sep 20, 2011 | Culture, Leadership, The Church
I was sure that the long-standing practice by evangelicals and fundamentalists alike of judging success by numerical results had died a long overdue death in the 1990’s. My seminary education had instilled in me the commitment to judging my ministry as a pastor...
by Mark Farnham | Sep 19, 2011 | Apologetics
It is true that this story of man’s fall is cast away as a relic of a mythological age by the average student of philosophy. But surely this is unjust. The question is not one merely of the historicity of the book of Genesis. It is that, but it is also more...
by Mark Farnham | May 5, 2011 | Uncategorized
This kind of post always arouses the worst ire of those who think I am being ridiculous or legalistic, but when a Jewish mom from NYC asks the question in the Wall Street Journal, maybe we ought to take a few minutes to ponder the question of “Why do we let our...
by Mark Farnham | Apr 20, 2011 | Language, Preaching
What is metaphor? Aristotle defined it as giving some “thing” a name that belongs to something else. The “thing” is called the metaphor’s “target” and the “something else” from which it takes a name is its “source.” Like the etymology of the word, meta (over, across,...
by Mark Farnham | Apr 18, 2011 | Language, Preaching
In his book, I is an Other, James Geary recounts the story of Édouard Claparède, a Swiss neurologist who studied patients with neurological damage who could not recall old memories. One of his patients had completely lost her short-term memory. Everyday when she...