by Mark Farnham | Mar 25, 2014 | Christian Life, Theology
Tullian Tchividjian’s book, One Way Love, decries the tendency in our churches to focus on changing behavior. Some make the distinction between the indicatives and imperatives of Scripture. The indicatives are statements of fact regarding what God has done for...
by Mark Farnham | Mar 23, 2014 | Christian Life
Many Christians live from one spiritual high to another. They look forward to the next big conference, concert, or special event that promises a mighty work of God, an experience of Jesus, or outpouring of the Spirit. In between the exhilarating spiritual events they...
by Mark Farnham | Feb 24, 2014 | Church History
Church History is one of those subjects that many feel inadequate to comprehend, remember, and use in Christian ministry. Unless one is a history buff, church history texts are often difficult to enjoy reading, and are often not typeset or designed to be memorable or...
by Mark Farnham | Feb 23, 2014 | Leadership
Anyone who has ever taught Sunday School, Adult Bible Fellowship, a small group, a VBS class, or in any other setting has experienced the frustration of a lesson that fails for lack of depth, flagging interest, or stagnant inward focus. Trevin Wax’s new book,...
by Mark Farnham | Jan 24, 2014 | Apologetics, Theology
A prophetic quote from the late Malcolm Muggeridge: . . . it has become abundantly clear in the second half of the twentieth century that Western Man has decided to abolish himself. Having wearied of the struggle to be himself, he has created his own boredom out of...