Planned Parenthood and the Banality of Evil

It’s not that the Planned Parenthood videos, in which the body parts of infants are harvested and sold, show monstrously evil people. It’s the lack of conscience in ordinary people that makes them so horrific. Hannah Arendt, the German-Jewish philosopher...

What I’m Reading Wednesdays-10/28/15

Gaining by Losing: Why the Future Belongs to Churches That Send, J. D. Greear (Zondervan, 2015). 256 pages. $19.99 Frankly, I did not expect much from this book. I’m not a fan of the multi-site, megachurch pastor who writes books that become best-sellers simply by...

Understanding the Various Views of Apologetics

Not all Christians approach the topic of apologetics in the same way. There are two main views regarding how we should go about defending the truth of the Christian faith. Evidentialism The most well-known approach is often called evidentialism, although similar...