The Doofus Locker: The Brilliance of Atheist Christopher Hitchens


[Hitchens] was the master of the non sequitur, but not the kind of non sequitur that made audiences go, “Whoa, he’s evading the topic under discussion.” It would be the kind of non sequitur which, when delivered in that accent of his, makes audiences look at you like you were, kind of rumpled, just taken out of the doofus locker.

In his essay, “Atheist Debate War Stories,” Douglas Wilson describes the quality of various atheists in their intellectual qualities and debate abilities. The late journalist and essayist, Christopher Hitchens was one of the best, with humorless intellectuals like Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett representing the other end of the spectrum. This is an interesting article about an unplanned meeting of apologists that evolved into a story-telling gathering about debating atheists. Read it for your enjoyment!