Reason #42 that Apologetics is Important: “Christian America” Don’t Know Much About Theology

cl_sport_musac_biannual_customer_feedback_survey_april2014In yet another vivid example of the spiritual state of America, a recent survey reveals that our countrymen are quite ambivalent and confused about the truth. Lifeway Research surveyed thousands of Americans about a variety of beliefs, including questions about the Bible, the Trinity, and salvation. To say that contradiction and confusion were revealed in the survey is an understatement. Even among evangelical Christians the level of theological confusion is disheartening.

All this points to the growing need for Christians to be trained to know and share the essentials of the Christian faith. Without such equipping, believers are left to twist in the wind of every cultural influence; and their witness is silenced as their beliefs become indistinguishable from other worldviews.

Apologetics has the power to revive interest in knowing the truth of the Christian faith thoroughly and with conviction. And it provides the foundation for an effective witness to the world. It is only through the knowledge of Christ that the fullness and riches of the gospel spill over into compelling evangelism.