by Mark Farnham | Nov 3, 2014 | Christian Life, Theology
I’ll never forget the off-hand remark of a long-time member of my home church the first time I returned for a visit after taking the teaching position I held as a seminary professor. He hadn’t seen me for awhile and didn’t know that I had recently left the pastorate...
by Mark Farnham | Oct 31, 2014 | Pastoral Ministry, Preaching, Theology
Pastors are busy. I know; I was one. They hardly have time to prepare their sermons every week while at the same time visiting, counseling, planning, fixing, etc. Ask most pastors what good theology books they’ve read recently and you’ll be greeted by...
by Mark Farnham | Oct 28, 2014 | Apologetics, Theology
Many people believe that the basis and source of defending the faith is different than that of knowing the faith. That is, they believe that we do systematic theology by appealing to the Scriptures, and we defend our faith by appealing to reason or philosophy (since...
by Mark Farnham | Oct 22, 2014 | Biblical Studies, Christian Life
I was reading in Daniel this morning when I saw something I had never seen before (don’t you love how the Holy Spirit does that!), and I couldn’t read any further. After Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Dan. 2), in which a rock (Christ) destroys the...
by Mark Farnham | Oct 20, 2014 | Apologetics, Church History, Philosophy, Theology
Reference to God’s incomprehensible essence also warns us against imagining what God is like, which would lead us inexorably down the road to idolatry. Recognizing God’s infinite and spiritual essence keeps us from thinking that God can be represented in imagery. Paul...