by Mark Farnham | Sep 30, 2013 | Uncategorized
Unhealthy churches cause few problems for the healthiest Christians; but they are cruel taxes on the growth of the youngest and weakest Christians. They prey on those who don’t understand Scripture well. They mislead spiritual children. They even take the...
by Mark Farnham | Sep 10, 2013 | Leadership, Preaching
Many people have asked me how the transition has gone from teaching theology and apologetics in seminary to teaching undergraduate pastoral theology in my new job at Lancaster Bible College. My answer: Everything about the new job has been beyond my expectations, and...
by Mark Farnham | Sep 6, 2013 | Leadership
“A vision gives life, and if there is no vision, the seeds of death are being sown and it is just a matter of time until death will prevail.” Harris Lee, Effective Church Leadership, 131.
by Mark Farnham | Sep 5, 2013 | Culture
Sometimes you need to read a book or watch a movie that vividly portrays the tragedy that is the human experience in order to be reminded of the sorry state from which we are delivered in Christ. Last weekend I happened upon a little-known recent movie starring...
by Mark Farnham | Sep 4, 2013 | Leadership
Leadership which is evil, while it may succeed temporarily, always carries with it the seeds of its own destruction…Misleadership is something false coming through a strong personality, and the stronger the personality, the worse the ultimate crash. B. L....