Dangerous Preachers

Because the underlying theological influence of most emergent theology (even though its advocates rarely know it) is Karl Barth, the written Word of God is debased in favor of the living Christ of the Word (a false dichotomy). As a result, the sermon content of...

The god of Diversity

In the beginning was Diversity. And the Diversity was with God, and the Diversity was God. Without Diversity was nothing made that was made. And it came to pass that nasty old ‘orthodox’ people narrowed down diversity and finally squeezed it out,...

How Does Our Knowledge Relate to God’s?

Because God has spoken, we can know who he is, something of what he does, even why he does what he does; and we can know that who he is, what he does, and why he does what he does is revealed to us to know as creatures, not as creators. In other words, it is not the...

Evangelism AND Apologetics

It is sometimes believed by the evangelistically-minded that there is no need to defend the faith, but simply to “open your mouth” and “tell your story.” If someone asks you “why?” you shouldn’t worry about your answer, simply reply, “I don’t know. All I know is that...